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Sustainable Business Network kicks off at Redcliffe QLD

Collaborating locally and doing business sustainably has many benefits. Enterprises of all types can cut energy costs, reduce waste, be more competitive, manage risks, improve processes and develop new, fruitful partnerships. To support such collaboration, Green Street recently facilitated a Startup Workshop for Redcliffe Sustainable Business Network members.

Held on 4 September 2024 at Redcliffe, the Startup Workshop was the first step in supporting local enterprises via Green Street Sustainable Business Networks. A similar event will follow in Samford, and network members will be supported via Green Street resources and informal mentoring.

About the workshop

The Startup Workshop was designed to help members kick-start their sustainability journey, with activities to help people set their vision and identify actions, barriers and opportunities. The Green Street team demonstrated how various Green Street resources support the process of moving towards sustainability. Lively conversation and collaboration were actively encouraged, and workshop participants got stuck into the process with enthusiasm, as you can see from some of the photos.

The workshop facilitators showed how following the logical 10 Steps Towards Sustainability helps enterprises visualise their journey. At each step, there are Green Street resources to help. For example, the Green Street Score provides a way to measure impact at the start and track changes as you go. The Badges help organisations (and households) set simple, achievable targets.

Sustainable Business Network members can also access detailed tools such as the Sustainability Roadmap (to set priorities), the Sustainability Planning Tool (to track specific targets and actions), and the SPOT Sustainable Procurement Tool (to make more informed purchasing decisions).

About the Redcliffe Sustainable Business Network

The new Redcliffe Sustainable Business Network is an initiative of the Redcliffe Sunrise Rotary Club, supported by the City of Moreton Bay Council and the Redcliffe Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. Facilitated by Green Street, the Network brings together a collective of enterprises to promote, practise and share how to be sustainable and create a positive impact in the local area. Network members connect locally and can also communicate via the Redcliffe SBN Group in Green Street’s Community.

The network is open to any business operating in the greater Redcliffe area that wants to improve sustainability. This includes start-ups, established businesses and community enterprises. Members connect via networking and learning events, supported by resources from Green Street’s online platform. They build skills, share insights and look for opportunities to trade in a circular economy. As part of the network, they promote their efforts to customers and benefit from network promotion activities.

Are you interested in something similar for your area? Find out more about Sustainable Business Networks.

Startup Workshop 4 Sep 24 - Redcliffe Sustaimable Business Network