Sustainability Planning Process for Micro Businesses
- Level
- Level 2
- Overview
A simple process for planning how to build a sustainable organisation, designed for smallish organisations in particular (1–4 people). The process links to the stages and actions identified in the Sustainability Roadmap.
- Purpose
The process helps you put a practical plan in place – one that is built on personal and organisational strengths, and follows guidelines for sustainable organisations.
- Who it’s for
Business owners/managers with 1-4 staff, or leaders of local community organisations. For larger organisations, see the Sustainability Planning Process for Enterprises.
- What you’ll need
A willingness to commit time to collaborate with staff or other stakeholders to put a plan in place for sustainability, and a desire to pursue propositions for practical action.
To use the planning template, you need Excel or Word (or you can view the PDF and reformat content to suit your planning apps/software). To access this resource, you need a current Green Street subscription as a workplace/enterprise (see pricing).
- What’s included
- A template for planning and recording actions, based on priorities you have identified via the Sustainability Roadmap Survey (you can also use it to record your scores from the survey). Available in Word, Excel, or PDF format. Enter info into templates or integrate with your task-planning software. Clear guidance is provided within the template
- Sustainability Action Checklist (Word file). A list of suggested actions focused on adding value, improving eco-efficiency and reducing carbon. Use this as a prompt, to help select actions relevant to your organisation.
To facilitate your planning process, mentoring is available via sustainability consultancy.