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Green Tips
Here are some simple tips for reducing your carbon footprint and being more sustainable. See each tip for info and resources to help you take action.
Use air conditioning more efficiently
Did you know that for every 1 degree you set air conditioning to be cooler in summer (or warmer in winter) you're using up to 10% more energy? read more -
Avoid buying heavily packaged products
Don’t be seduced by fancy packaging! Buy goods with reusable, refillable, recyclable or no packaging. Cut waste and carbon by buying with discretion read more -
Insulate your home or workplace
Reduce energy and cut carbon by Insulating walls, roofs and floors effectively. You'll increase your home or workplace's comfort too! read more -
Design buildings for energy efficiency
Building, renovating or improving a house or workplace? Use passive design principles to cut carbon, boost liveability and slash ongoing costs. read more -
Change to a fuel efficient vehicle
When your current vehicle needs replacing, purchase a hybrid, electric or other fuel-efficient car, motorbike or scooter, or use more public transport... read more -
Drive less
Spend less time driving – ride a bike, walk, or use public transport more often, Reduce motor vehicle travel for work, business operations, and leis... read more -
Change your hot water system
Change an electric system to a solar, heat pump or gas-powered hot water system to use more renewables and reduce carbon by up to 1 tonne read more -
Dry clothes on a line
Don’t use a clothes dryer unless you absolutely have to. Use natural energy from the sun and wind to save up to 500kg of carbon read more -
Use less hot water
Hot water uses lots of energy so use low-flow shower heads, wash clothes in cold water, have shorter showers. Up to 500kg of carbon saved read more -
Turn off electronic devices
Do you know how much energy your electrical appliances use just by being on standby? Turn them off at the wall when not in use – cut carbon, save $$... read more -
Buy energy-efficient appliances and office equipment
Look for 5-star or higher energy rating when buying or replacing home and business appliances. You'll be surprised how much you can save! read more -
Switch to low energy lightbulbs
Have you seen the light? Switch to energy-efficient LEDs and compact fluorescent lightbulbs. Changing just three bulbs saves 200kg of carbon per year read more -
Use a green energy provider
Instead of buying coal-fired power from the standard electricity grid, sign up for green power generated by renewable resources such as wind, sun and ... read more -
Install fully green power
Install a fully renewable power source for your home or business, such as solar PV system or wind power. Save up to 7 tonnes of carbon. read more