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Green Street Badges

Earn Green Street Badges
Level 1

Green Street Badges reward you for taking sustainable actions in various areas, from recycling and energy to community education and responsible purchasing. To earn badges, you need to achieve specified criteria, which act as a checklist for action on sustainability.

There are different badges for households and workplaces (see all the Green Street badges here). The badges you achieve are highlighted on your Green Street member profile.

Green Street badges


Badges act as a 'badge of honour' to reward you for improving sustainability in many small ways. By providing manageable, bite-size strategies, the badges give you the incentive to achieve more and guide you on your journey.

The badges help us all work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (we've included a matrix showing how Green Street badges map onto the UN goals).

Who it’s for

Households, businesses, community groups, schools or workplaces can earn badges by taking actions to be sustainable.

What you’ll need

To earn badges, join Green Street at any level (it's FREE to sign up as a household) and calculate your Green Street score. You can then edit your Green Street badges via your member profile.

It's up to you to record your badge achievements honestly, for the benefit of your household or workplace – and the planet! Badges may be randomly audited to ensure transparency and to learn about how you're achieving them.

To support others in achieving badges, you can add community posts about how you are being more sustainable in those areas. You can also see green tips for guidance on actions you can take.

What’s included
  • A checklist of actions you need to do to achieve each badge (available on the website and via your member profile)
  • A printable handout listing all the badges and actions (one for Households and one for Workplaces)
  • Icons for badges you earn are displayed on your member profile
  • A visual matrix showing how the badges relate to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Video showing how to use and display Green Street badges
How to access this resource
This is a level 1 resource. To access it, please join or sign in.