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Our Team

Green Street has been designed and developed by a small group of people keen to help others with their efforts to be more sustainable: NACC Sustainability People, Credos Associates and Caboodle Web Design. The team has a deep knowledge of sustainability theory and practice, backed by experience and skills in business communication, education, user experience design and online learning development.

Our core team

Howard Nielsen

Howard Nielsen

Howard from NACC Sustainability is a founder of Green Street. He has diverse managerial and consulting experience promoting and facilitating sustainability in workplaces and communities.

Carolyn King

Carolyn King


Carolyn, from Credos Associates, is a highly experienced designer, educator and communication consultant.

Scott Nielsen

Scott Nielsen

Web Developer

Scott, from Caboodle Web Design, is a co-founder of Green Street, who specialises in developing high-quality, user-focused digital design solutions

Our support network

As a grassroots initiative, Green Street wouldn’t exist without the support of many people. We acknowledge the long term support and encouragement of the local community of Samford (in northern Brisbane, QLD) together with many businesses, local government representatives, industry advisors and family members. We’d like to acknowledge their time, advice, patience, tenacity, enthusiasm and practical help over the years.

We’d also like to thank our student interns for their various contributions, ranging from conducting research to developing media strategies, writing content and producing videos. Recent interns from Griffith University include Sebastian Bustamante, Amy McGregor, Caitlyn Christie, Amber Chalmers, Ashley Edgar and Synne Kvaale. We appreciate all your hard work, thanks!

Our commitment to sustainability

Green Street’s mission is to help individuals and businesses have a go at being sustainable – reaching as many people as possible! We aim to support them in creating positive impacts and reducing negative impacts, creating a ripple effect through the combined actions of many.

Through the actions of our members and partners, we support all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. If we had to pick those we can best influence, they would be Quality Education (4), Industry Innovation and Infrastructure (9), Sustainable Cities and Communities (11), Responsible Consumption and Production (12) and Partnership for the Goals (17).

SDG 4 Quality Education
SDG 9 Industry innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and production
SDG 17 Partnership for the goals

Our sponsors, partners and lead enterprises

Green Street works with approved partners and sponsors to provide services for members and nurture our sustainability network.