Vision for sustainability – WHY, HOW, WHAT
By: Green Street @ September 5, 2024 on Redcliffe Sustainable Business Network
At last night's workshop, the 'set your vision' activity got everyone thinking about WHY they want to be sustainable, HOW to approach it and WHAT they might do. The Post-it notes in the photo aren't easy to read, so we've summarised some of the main points below (including a compilation of thoughts raised throughout the workshop).
WHY be more sustainable?
- Leave a legacy for the next generation
- Clean water in the local waterways
- Reduce landfill waste and pollution
- Future for kids to play outside and enjoy nature
- Ensure the resilience of our industry
- Learn how to do things better and feel better about it
- Reduce waste and use fewer resources
- Boost awareness for all stakeholders
- Have a positive impact by motivating others
- Save $$$, increase profitability
- Reach the right customers
HOW might you go about it?
- Learn about issues and strategies, and educate others
- Put sustainability on the agenda and determine the business case
- Use resources like Green Street to learn, plan and act
- Develop self-awareness and stay motivated (WHY)
- Involve staff & supply chain – find their WHY, collaborate on ideas, provide training
- Communicate with stakeholders (what do THEY want or expect?)
- Make operational changes, review or redesign processes
- Use resources more efficiently
- Explore new technologies and processes
- Question assumptions, be flexible/adaptive and open to new ideas
- Collaborate to share ideas, overcome barriers, celebrate wins
- Plan and set targets to aim for
WHAT might you do, make or provide?
- Education and info sessions for staff, customers, suppliers, other stakeholders
- Audit and measure waste, energy and resources
- Recycling schemes
- Process efficiencies (e.g. transport, production, communication, packaging, customer service)
- Circular economy trading – exchanging waste/resources
- Innovative products/services (new tech, materials, processes, sales channels)
- Be a role model for sustainability practices (via services, projects, actions)
- Get funding to implement initiatives or buy eco-efficient equipment
- Sustainability Policy, Vision/Values, Business case, Action Plan
- Marketing – promoting the benefits of sustainability to customers and other stakeholders
See notes from the 11 Sep workshop here:
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