Buy energy-efficient appliances and office equipment

Tip: When replacing electrical appliances or office equipment (such as a fridge, washing machine, TV, printer or computer monitor), aim to only buy items with a five-star or higher energy rating.
Using higher-rated electrical items will not only reduce your carbon footprint, it will save money long term by cutting your energy bills. You may be surprised by how much you can save (see the links below to find out).
When replacing electrical items, don’t throw the old ones away – find recycling services near you.
Up to 1 tonne of carbon saved per appliance per year
More information
- Green Street Badges: Energy badge (household) and Energy badge (business)
- – Australian Government’s energy-saving information and tips for consumers and businesses
- Energy Rating Label – understand energy star ratings to help select energy-efficient appliances
- Energy Rating Calculator – calculate how much energy and money you save by comparing specific models or star ratings
- Small Business Energy Check – for small businesses: see how your energy spending compares to similar businesses
- Recycling Electrical Appliances – see Planet Ark’s guide to finding recycling services near you
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