New website launched for Green Street!
We’re delighted to launch the new Green Street website today, after months of hard work! The completely revamped site is full of resources, tips and information to help everyone have a go at being sustainable.
Whether you want to improve sustainability at home, school or work, Green Street can help. The website provides authoritative content, useful tools and practical guidance for individuals, households, small/medium businesses, community groups and larger enterprises. It also includes valuable resources for business advisors, change management consultants and sustainability managers.
The Green Street website is open to all, but to get the most benefit, visitors sign up as a member. Logged-in members can access community pages and see resources at different levels. It’s free to join, and paid levels are available for business members (see pricing).
Green Street is much more than a collection of resources, however. It’s a community, where people can come together to connect, share ideas and collaborate with other households, workplaces or businesses to make progress along the road to sustainability. As well as connecting to other members or businesses, members can set up or join groups in their local community or area of interest. For example, Sustainable Business Networks are groups of local businesses interested in finding ways to be more sustainable and learning from each other.
This spirit of collaboration and having a go is key to the Green Street ethos. The first Green Street website was set up back in 2009, well before climate change and sustainability were at the top of many people’s minds. As a grassroots movement, Green Street aims to encourage practical action. Rather than judging people and organisations for what they are NOT doing, we want to help them move forward. Small steps can make a big difference if everyone makes them! That’s why the community aspect of Green Street is so important.
The design and content of the new website, and that of the Green Street tools and resources, aim to make learning about sustainability (and acting on it) as accessible and friendly as possible. The new website is a joint production by Caboodle Web, Credos Associates and NACC Sustainability.
Sustainability is a big topic, and priorities are constantly changing as new situations or technologies arise or fresh information comes to light. Green Street plans to keep adding articles and resources to meet the needs of members going forward.
We encourage everyone to let us know which resources you find useful, and what you’d like to see more of or learn more about. We would also love to hear any feedback on the website generally, especially if you find any errors (there are always some!) or if you think any aspects of the member experience could be improved. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy the new website!
Green Street News | Published 7 July 2023
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