Home » Green Street badges updated to include First Nations actions

Green Street badges updated to include First Nations actions

To encourage everyone to learn from or share First Nations approaches to sustainability, we recently updated some of the Green Street badges. These badges are a way of showing where you’re making progress, but they also act as a list of prompts to guide your actions as a household or business.

Certain badges now include actions related to understanding, learning from or sharing First Nations perspectives. Regardless of your cultural heritage, these actions aim to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing. For example:

  • The planting badge includes actions about growing bush tucker and following First Nations approaches to caring for land and resources
  • The local advocacy badge includes actions related to acknowledging traditional custodians and learning about local First Nations peoples and cultural sites
  • The education badge recognises the value of learning about First Nations approaches to caring for Country
  • The wellbeing badge asks you to draw on First Nations approaches to living sustainably, and to engage with First Nations people for mutual understanding
  • The product responsibility badge encourages use of First Nations knowledge related to land management, and supporting indigenous-owned enterprises
  • The speaking up badge suggests you try First Nations approaches to conversations and decision-making, and voice opinions about a just and sustainable society
  • The advocacy badge encourages you to advocate awareness of First Nations peoples’ knowledge and approaches to nature, land management and sustainable use of raw materials.

If you’d like information or inspiration to help you achieve these actions, see this post about learning from First Nations approaches to sustainability.

Green Street News | Published 20 September 2023