Speaking Up
Raising sustainability topics or questions
Nielsen and Company Consulting (NACC)
We provide affordable, high quality consulting services to build sustainable enterprises and communities. Our team has many years' experience in sustainability, business consulting and community engagement.
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How to earn this badge
If you do three or more of these you will earn a Speaking Up Badge.
- Voice constructive opinions when sustainability issues are raised in social or workplace situations, and support others to do so
- Raise sustainability issues or ask appropriate questions where they add value to specific events (eg. workplace design, travel, work decisions, purchasing decisions etc)
- Participate in face-to-face meetings in the community or workplace to voice constructive views about taking sustainable action
- Participate in on-line conversations in the community or workplace to voice constructive views about taking sustainable action
- Workplace is a member of professional networks with a focus on sustainability
- Draw on First Nations approaches to conversations and decision-making about sustainable practices
How to add a badge to your profile
Sign in and go to your member profile page, then select 'Review my badges'. Follow the 'Read more' links to check the actions for each badge, and tick checkboxes for any badges you have earned. Once you've clicked the 'save' button, the selected badges will display on your profile.
Remember, Green Street Badges rely on each member's honest declaration of what they are doing to be sustainable, so check the actions for each badge carefully!
How to sponsor a badge
See information for sponsorsShortcuts
Member Offers
Smart, sustainable business cards

Make networking easier! Share contact info with MODC digital business cards. Less waste – the sust...
Avoid buying heavily packaged produ...

Don’t be seduced by fancy packaging! Buy goods with reusable, refillable, recyclable or no packaging. Cut waste and carbon by buying with discretion
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