Recycling goods, materials and consumables wherever possible
How to earn this badge
If you do four or more of these, you will earn a Recycle Badge.
- We recycle or re-use all materials that are surplus to needs
- We dispose of our food scraps by composting or worm farming or digging into a vegetable patch or giving to others who are able to use it
- We recycle goods such as mobile phones, computers, printer cartridges, electrical items and other purchased items
- We recycle/reuse printing paper
- We purchase remanufactured printer cartridges
- We sell excess waste to others who want it, as part of our industrial ecology strategy
How to add a badge to your profile
Sign in and go to your member profile page, then select 'Review my badges'. Follow the 'Read more' links to check the actions for each badge, and tick checkboxes for any badges you have earned. Once you've clicked the 'save' button, the selected badges will display on your profile.
Remember, Green Street Badges rely on each member's honest declaration of what they are doing to be sustainable, so check the actions for each badge carefully!
How to sponsor a badge
See information for sponsorsShortcuts
Member Offers
Smart, sustainable business cards
Make networking easier! Share contact info with MODC digital business cards. Less waste – the sust...
Avoid buying heavily packaged produ...
Don’t be seduced by fancy packaging! Buy goods with reusable, refillable, recyclable or no packaging. Cut waste and carbon by buying with discretion
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