Solar Bollard Lighting
Solar Bollard Lighting® are an Australian owned company designing and manufacturing award-winning industrial grade solar bollard lights. Long lifecycle, fit for purpose, industrial grade solar bollard lights with low environmental impact, installed in over 40 countries worldwide.
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How to earn this badge
If you do five or more of these, you will earn an Energy Badge (Workplace). To help achieve them, see tips about hot water systems, energy efficiency, green power and other Green Tips.
- We have renewable energy sources generating all of our workplace energy needs
- All of our power is sourced renewably and excess goes to the grid or other users
- The majority of our power is sourced from renewable energy
- We invest in shares in a renewable energy company
- We have a solar hot water system or a system powered renewably
- We unplug most appliances at the wall overnight and when not in use over long periods
- All light fittings are low energy use
- We switch off computer monitors when they are not in use
- Our workplace is designed to maximise the use of daylight and fresh air
How to add a badge to your profile
Sign in and go to your member profile page, then select 'Review my badges'. Follow the 'Read more' links to check the actions for each badge, and tick checkboxes for any badges you have earned. Once you've clicked the 'save' button, the selected badges will display on your profile.
Remember, Green Street Badges rely on each member's honest declaration of what they are doing to be sustainable, so check the actions for each badge carefully!
How to sponsor a badge
See information for sponsorsShortcuts
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Avoid buying heavily packaged produ...