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Green Street Workplace Badges
Fair Trade Buying from responsible sources
  • Fair Trade Badge
When purchasing goods and services for an organisation, cost and convenience matter, but so does sustainability. By researching procurement options that are socially and environmentally responsible – and asking the same of our suppliers – we can have a positive influence along the supply chain.

How to earn this badge

For guidance and tools to support responsible purchasing, see Green Street’s Sustainable Procurement resource.

If you do all three of these, you will earn a Fair Trade Badge.

  1. We buy goods from sources where workers are paid a reasonable wage
  2. We buy goods from sources where human rights are observed
  3. We buy goods from environmentally friendly workplaces

How to add a badge to your profile

Sign in and go to your member profile page, then select 'Review my badges'. Follow the 'Read more' links to check the actions for each badge, and tick checkboxes for any badges you have earned. Once you've clicked the 'save' button, the selected badges will display on your profile.

Remember, Green Street Badges rely on each member's honest declaration of what they are doing to be sustainable, so check the actions for each badge carefully!