Submit a Sustainability Lesson Plan
If you are a teacher or educator, why not post your sustainability lesson plans for use by others? Your good work can have a ripple effect and spread sustainability learning far and wide! Our aim is to enable open-source sharing of school lesson plans related to sustainability.
You can submit sustainability-focused lessons guided by the Australian Curriculum, International Baccalaureate, or other recognised international curriculum guidelines. Or you can simply post creative integrated plans based on local needs and opportunities for learning and development.
Use the form below to submit your lesson plan, indicating its subject, age range, duration and curriculum area/s, and attach your plan in Word or PDF format. Please make sure your plan includes enough information for others to follow, considers ethical and practical factors, and does not breach copyright legislation. We’ll review submissions and publish new Sustainability Lesson Plans as soon as we can.
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Avoid buying heavily packaged produ...